Strictly Street Salsa's work both in the classroom or on stage or in the community, has continuously been covered by the media at the local, regional and national levels. That commitment to positively impact communities created this long partnership that now goes beyond 20 years. Here are few samples of printed press coverage, television and radio appearances:
2016 - Houston Chronicle "Afro-Latinos in Texas proud of identity..."
2015 - La Voz (Houston Chronicle) "El gozo del baile mestizo"
2012 - Journal of Obesity "SALSA: Saving Lives Staying Active...
2008 - The Source: Houston City Guide (Houston Chronicle), Cover
2007 - Semana, "Salsa para vivir y ser feliz"
2005 - Semana, "Musica y bailes para todos"
2005 - Semana, "¡Presea, Mami, Presea!"
2004 - Houston Chronicle, "Instructors teach joy/Salsa..."
2003 - Houston Chronicle, "Shared..."
2003 - Semana, "Aprenda a Bailar Salsa"
2003 - El Dia,"Al Rescate Del Baile Tradicional..."
2002 - Semana, "Baila 'La Receta de la Salsa'"
2001 - Houston Chronicle, "Latin Dancers Aim to Keep..."